• Current opened records

  • The Role of ICT in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics

Winner Category:
  • The pervasive influence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on society and on the generation after the millennials has prompted the use of ICT in education, in particular mathematics education. Advocates from around the world have engaged in empirical studies to exploit the potentialities in enhancing or transforming mathematics education and to augment their position of adopting ICT practices, as seen in studies by Samuelsson (2007), Fuglestad (2009) and Zaranis (2014). It is now documented in several curriculum standards for countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, the United Kingdom and Sweden that ICT be incorporated into mathematics teaching and learning. However, less is said on how the integration of ICT into mathematics education serves its purpose. Individual studies which have researched into the topic have their own forms of classification, which may be specific to their domain of research, such as the role of computers. Hence, this paper serves to establish a general framework that classifies the roles that ICT can take in mathematics teaching and learning. The framework was developed after an initial review of 25 articles and documents, followed by another 50 related resources for validation of the framework. Both the initial and final review have shown that the use of ICT in mathematics education can be classified into its impact on the learning process, on the teaching process and/or on mathematics itself as a discipline. Such a framework provides a common platform for discussion of the roles of ICT and for further focussed research.