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  • Effect of Auditory Cues on Object’s Material Property Perception

Winner Category:
  • Material perception is a multisensory process, in which every sensory modality provides diverse information about the material. Parchment Skin Illusion shows that while rubbing our hands and hearing a soft sound would make us feel our skin is soft, but hearing a harsh sound during the same action would make us feel our skin as rough. Despite this powerful illusion, the number of studies that investigate the interaction between auditory and tactile modality on material perception are limited, and the few examples investigate this multisensory relation mainly on 2D materials like textures. Present study aims to fill this gap in the literature by investigating 3D material perception by auditory and haptic cues. Two experiments are reported here: The first experiment investigated both auditory-only and tactile-only material perception with 10 opposite adjectives and 12 everyday materials. PCA showed that when materials were perceived by relying solely on auditory cues, the adjectives indicating the property of perceived material are aligned on 3 main softness dimensions. When same materials were perceived by relying on tactile-only cues, the material properties are aligned on 4 main softness dimensions. We observed significant correlations between auditory-only and tactile-only conditions. In the second experiment, the tactile stimuli were given together with congruent and incongruent auditory cues. MANOVA results between sound and material showed significant effect of sound on material perception and suggest that auditory cues can alter tactile material perception. However, results also show that the variation in the mean ratings is a lot more when the material was kept constant while the auditory cues were altered than the mean rating variation when the auditory cue was kept constant while the material changes. These results suggest that although auditory perception affects the way we identify the material properties, tactile perception is the dominant modality on material perception.